
Public health services and systems researchers use a wide variety of data from many sources to investigate optimal ways of organizing, financing, and delivering public health programs and services. As a resource for PHSSR investigators, this page provides links to both longstanding and emerging data sources that could be useful for designing and implementing scientific studies.

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Determining the Cost of Select Core Services Across Colorado Public Health Agencies

Nurse Navigator Program: Bridging Public Health and Primary Care with Potential to Improve Chronic Disease Outcomes

Equity in Competitive Grantmaking for Safe Routes to School Projects

Recipes for Success: Factors Affecting Implementation of Evidence-based Practices to Promote Healthy Eating and Active Living.

This project through the Kentucky PBRN analyzes variation in the cultural and linguistic competence of local health departments within Kentucky, adapt and test a series of training modules designed to strengthen cultural and linguistic competence among staff, and evaluate the effectiveness of the

The principal objective of this proposal is to determine how the size and composition of the state and local public health workforce varies over time by state and community types.

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The Ohio PBRN’s RIA study investigates the structure, process, and outcomes of public health agency roles in foodborne illness prevention, investigation, and control, utilizing a mixed methods approach. The study will develop, test, and validate a novel, direct observation methodology for measurement. Direct-observation measures will then be used in a comparative analysis of local variation in public health practices for foodborne illness.




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